Thursday, May 24, 2012

Striving for Simplicity: Sayonara SugarShakes!

"You should be sleeping, not surfing."
Now that we have Facebook and Twitter, I think the heyday of the personal blog for blogging sake has passed. At least the heyday has passed for me. Blogs that are going to teach me something about the world and the practical skills I need to better live in it are great, but I think most personal blogs are pretty boring. The only personal blog I read regularly is written by a dog and even that's focused on her hiking adventures rather than what she had for dinner and who's rear she sniffed.

I think I am *the most* interesting person I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. (I hope you feel the same way about yourself because I am sure you are amazing!!!!) Still, I don't see the point of devoting time to blog here. That's how I know it's time to say "Sayonara SugarShakes."

I strive for simplicity and excellence. Having a blog that I know I should update but never do makes me feel poopy. I'd rather devote myself fully to one or two meaningful projects and get great results than to occasionally work on a half dozen semi-pointless projects with ho-hum success. Not that it's impossible to juggle multiple projects; that approach just doesn't work well for me.

So here's what's happening: It's curtains for SugarShakes. For those of you who can't live without knowing where I had coffee or how I spent my weekend, I would like to first apologize for neglecting you. (I know have not been good about keeping this diary up-to-date.) I would also like to invite you to follow me on Twitter (I'm @itsolivialane) and become my friend on Facebook. If you love me as a blogger, come nerd out with me on green homekeeping at and be comforted by that fact that I plan share links to my guest blog posts on Facebook. xoxolivia

Sisters, have you recently decided to simplify your life by letting go of a project? Tell me about it in the comments.

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