Monday, February 19
President's Day! No work! Whoo Hoo! Wait, I don't have job. Holidays like this are such a rip off. You'd think they'd at least give you double unemployment benefits for Holidays or something.
Holiday or not, this was not the most exciting day ever. Jessica and I took Lucy to the Humane Society of NYC vet for her final booster shot. We then spent the remainder of the day recovering from the horrendously cold weather--Jessica studied and I did stuff on the 'puter.
Tuesday, February 20
Susie and I met up for dinner at Curly's. (Note to reader: Do not ever eat their Corn Chowder.) We then proceeded to Drop Off Service for a release party for the Third issue of Syncopated, which features a great essay and drawing by Susie. Jason joined us at some point too. There was free beer from Brooklyn's Sixpoint Craft Ales--and everyone knows how I love free beer--so I ended up getting buzzed (okay, drunk) after only two pints. That kinda sucked. Somehow, I managed to follow Jason (who met us at DOS later) to Mercury Lounge, where one of his Swedish friends performed with two bands, back-to-back. I don't remember much, but I think I enjoyed myself. I mean, April was there, so how could I not have had a good time. I have to say, I'm a fan of Jason's exes. It almost makes being friend with Jason worth it. (Heh heh.) Susie and April are tops!
Wednesday, February 21
Wednesday morning it became apparent that very painful headache I'd been dealing with for the past five days was not the result of my brain tumor--I had a cold. I'm sort of relieved about this especially since it means that it won't feel like my left eyeball is trying to annex from my skull forever, but I'm bummed that it also means no one will believe me when I say I have a tumor. I still have my doubts that the lump my doctor described as a benign bony growth is not something way more dangerous. I guess you'll have to keep reading this blog to find out what happens. It may be just a matter of months before I end up here.
Despite being sick, I made it out to Vegetarian Dim Sum for Jason's birthday dinner. I ate my weight in Chinese Food and homemade cupcakes (thanks Susie). It was a blast!
Thursday, February 22 & Friday, February 23
Nothing so rife with excess is horrible except for a cold. I spent these days doing lots of the following: blowing my nose, sleeping, sucking Cold Ease, drinking water, and peeing. The only fun excessive thing I did was watch disk 3 of Arrested Development Season 1 and eat about a pound of the world's best kettle corn on Friday.
At 11:40pm Jessica and I got a call from Philip who had taken Sophie the House Guest from Hell (see Friday, February 2) in a few weeks ago. Apparently, her behavior hasn't improved over at his place and he's asked her to leave the next day. He wants us to come over to his place when she leaves the next morning. This is impossible so I compromise by letting him know I'll talk to her. I call Sophie and make sure that she knows he wants her out before noon. She claims he's a raging drunkard, but it seems like she's willing to go.
Saturday, February 24
Life is great! I began to feel much better and my headache finally dissipated. I spent the morning studying for my Women's Studies quiz and rocking out to Seven Year Bitch's Sick 'Em album.
Things hit a low point when I learn there was some drama around Sophie's exit from Philip's home. I don't wanna get into it, but key phrases are: police, jail, $200 owed, not my problem.
The rest of my day was a blast. I continued the tough girl music theme of the day by dancing along to L7's Hungry for Stink. "Andres" is the best song in the world to dance The Robot to! I did some organizing. I ate hot dogs and beans for lunch and then had junk food from Curly's for dinner. (God, I love making wise food choices.) I even re-watched some episodes of Arrested Development. What a great day!
Sunday, February 25
We Core Members group for the Bed-Stuy CSA had our first meeting ever at Bread Stuy. I'm so psyched for this year. It's only the second year, and the first year with a Core Members group, so we don't have the restrains of precedents what we can do. Anything is possible and that's really exciting. As an extra bonus, a nice couple (Canek and Ren) that I met at Time's Up is in the group and lives in the 'hood. Yay!
After the meeting I stopped by Sabrina and Patrina's place and watched Daughters of the Dust with their film group. 'Trina cooked up some delicious South Carolina style gumbo to go with the theme of the movie, which is set in the Gulla Islands.
When I left their place the was a snow storm in progress and I could barely see. As a result, I lost track of the blocks I was walking and missed my bus stop. I figured it was just as well, since I don't live too far from the twins' place and I could use the exercise. Fast forward thirty minutes and I'm still walking and unsure if I am anywhere near home since every block looks the same when all the homes and my glasses are covered in snow. (The faulty directions I finally brought myself to ask from a driver didn't help either!) Finally I recognised Lexington Street and realised I was not only really far from home but in the heart of the ghetto. Yikes! Somehow I made it home alive.
now I'm all sick and I blame you! unless it turns out to be a tumor, and then you're off the hook. of course, you're so much fun - you're always off da hook. told you I was sick.