Sunday, April 6, 2008

One of those nights

I drew this with Sumi Ink during my craft group meeting today. I think I'd like to add some color to this, but because I'm a little scared of color I wanted to somehow preserve this drawing before I botched it. It's not the best scan, but it's the best scan I could get on my little freebie Dell printer.

This drawing is called "One of those nights" and it's an illustration of a bunny's nightmare. It was influenced greatly by my visit to Brooklyn Museum, which was recently given a super Japanimation makeover. It was also influenced by that picture of the furry stuffed monster running in a field to escape a gaggle of cuddly kittens. (Who made that?) My craft group mates Tammi and Marissa also helped by making suggestions and offering support. FYI: The meatwad looking things in the right corner are supposed to be rotting heads of cabbage. It doesn't really look like that though. Maybe I should add some flies.

The drawing is sort of a part two or finger wag at the character in this earlier Curly's placemat drawing about a real-life giant Brit rabbit who had been "stealing" massive amounts of veggies from village gardens. Unfortunately the real rabbit was killed, but my bunny just got a stomach ache and had a nightmare.

gussied up Carrots

This is my second time drawing with ink. The first time was on Easter, when I participated in the Sumi Ink Club event at Little Cakes. It was super fun, but I just checked out the L.A. drawing group and I noticed they had tons of space and even chairs and a table! Fucking L.A.!

P.S. I'm a little sad today because Charlton Heston is dead. I know he wasn't the most politically correct person, but I loved his work. Planet of the Apes and Soylent Green are two of my favorite movies. He will be missed. On the upside, I guess we'll be able to get that gun now.
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